Saturday, February 19, 2011

Pirates of the Somali Coast

So, apparently another American ship has been taken by these douchenozzle pirates.  It's a yacht that had 4 people on board, and it has vanished as of this posting.

Folks, why the fuck is anyone paying these somali fuckers any money for ransom?  Why aren't we just blowing the shit out of anything that looks like it can hold water anywhere near a somali port or dock?

We really need to either issue Letters of Marque and Reprisal or go back to the way piracy was originally handled.  Do you know why it stopped? It stopped because it became too expensive in lives and material for the pirates to continue, not to mention the fact that if you got caught with pirate booty, you could pretty much expect the noose for your trouble.

When we find this yacht, if the folks on board are still alive, send in the SEALS, kill every pirate on board, and dump the fucking corpses out of a plane over Mogadishu along with flyers explaining  what happened and why.

I'm tired of hearing about how "they have no choice but to commit piracy / torture hostages / threaten lives."

Bullshit.  It's easier to steal than it is to build your own.  Enough paying Danegeld to the Danes.

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